Download MOBILedit Enterprise Full Version
MOBILedit! Enterprise adalah software yang dapat mengontrol handphone di PC atau Laptop kita. Dengan Software ini kaita bisa menggunakan handphone di PC, jadi jika kita sedang sibuk di depan PC tidak usah buka-buka HP lagi karena HP nya bisa di kontrol via PC.
Untuk menghubungkan MOBILedit! Enterprise ini ke Handphone, ada beberapa pilihan, diantaranya bisa melalui kabel USB, bluetooth, wifi ataupun tethering network tergantung seberapa support handphone sobat.
MOBILedit! Enterprise support dengan smartphone Apple, android ataupun lainya.
What’s new in MOBILedit 8.6
- Many new Android phones supported
- Support for Apple iPhone SE and iPad Pro
- Now installs popular Phone Copier App instead of simple Connector to Android phones
- You can purchase a license for your phone simply as inapp purchase in the Phone Copier app
- Finetuned design for high-resolution displays such as 4K and Surface Pro 4
- Contacts Optimizer works also for MS Outlook
- Improved support for direct connection to Google Contacts
- Improved handling of offline media – you have access to thumbnails even if the phone is disconnected
- Fixed: You can reply to messages in conversation view
- Fixed: Change password for iTunes backup works well
- Fixed: Now correctly displays information about Trial mode
- Fixed: Copy and Move to Archive updates content automatically
Langkah Aktivasi
- Install software,
- buka folder patch
- Copy isinya dan paste ke
C:\Program Files\MOBILedit! Enterprise - jalankan patch, klik tombol patch
- Done
- Masuk ke setting, pilih about phone/tentang telepon
- lalu cari ” BUILD NUMBER ” tab beberapa kali ( kalo saya 4 kali tab ) nanti akan muncul
- menu ” Developer Mode “, Silahkan aktifkan dan Ceklist USB Debug
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